Social media can be a powerful communication tool for FASD Awareness, to raise awareness and funds and crucially to better engage with beneficiaries. Social Media platforms help us reach a much wider audience, much more quickly, than traditional methods of communication.
FASD Awareness use Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter) and LinkedIn to connect with our community.
Recently we had to take down our Facebook account due to a hack and alerted Facebook. We have had to create a new page, losing all of our friends and followers. We would therefore, ask you to reconnect with us and share our page and posts within your own networks.
Below we have the links to all our social media, please do click on the ones you use and Like and Follow our pages. This will keep you updated on all our events, activities, webinars, training and resources. If you would like to leave a google review as well, that would be greatly appreciated.
Facebook Facebook
Instagram Instagram
X (Twitter) X (Twitter)
LinkedIn LinkedIn
Google Google Review
We are striving to get our #BeAware message out far and wide and support those within the community that need our help and advice, and using social media platforms more effectively will help us do this.
Thank you for your time and connection.
Tracy & Andrew and all the FASD Awareness Team