Peggy Murphy was appointed as Chair of FASD Awareness in 2023, bringing with her a wealth of experience in Special Needs, Education and Governance.
Peggy is a Special School practitioner for 34 years and is currently Principal of a 750 place Special School in Kent catering for pupils with profound, severe, and complex needs aged between 2 and 19. The school was awarded teaching school status in May 2018, Leading Education and Achievement For all (LEAF). Peggy is a National Leader of Education.
As Headteacher of Five Acre Wood School she has grown the school from 119 pupils in January 2009 to approx. 800 pupils. Always keeping the child at the heart of everything they do she has ensured each child accesses the best and most appropriate learning opportunities, whilst growing the school by over 600% and improving from a good to outstanding school.
Peggy leads on school-to-school support within Kent Special Educational Needs Trust; a co-operative community of the majority of special schools in Kent. Introducing the EDT school review process within the community of Kent Special schools, she has led several reviews in KSENT schools. Peggy also co-led Mulberry Reviews at special schools in Kent and Medway and supported inter county work between Kent, Surrey, and Hampshire to support special school peer reviews using bespoke review paperwork based on NASEN Send Review and EDT. As LEAF TSA, they have offered SEND reviews for mainstream schools, also leading reviews in mainstream secondary and primary schools.
As a National Leader of Education, Peggy has supported a number of head teachers who have been new to their role and supported a RI special school. This has involved coaching colleagues through challenging scenarios. Peggy also supports schools in preparation for their Ofsted inspections, offering challenge through deep dive questioning focusing on their curriculum and joint learning walks.
Peggy is currently a trustee of a primary academy, having been a governor at two of the schools since September 2014.
MA Education, B.Ed (Hons) Special Ed., B.Phil (Autism), NPQH, Makaton Regional Trainer, Early Bird Plus Trainer, TEACCH, SCERTS